Saturday, July 19, 2008

Don't you cry for me

My boys are off for a long weekend of adventure and affection in the Blue Ridge Mountains. FIVE aunties and uncles, plus Cousin Stretch, are along for the ride.

Although Bob and I are looking forward to going to lots of movies, drinking Bloody Marys, etc., I am almost jealous.

There is a tent.
There is a swing.
There is a stump fort.
There is a swimming hole.
There is a puppetry studio.
There have been UFO sightings.
There is tons of home-grown food from a giant garden.
There are silly aunties and uncles who love the crap out of them.



  1. I love your blog! I ALWAYS makes me smile and/or laugh. Your boys are so lucky....

  2. After I posted that, I figured maybe I'd better explain why I think they are lucky...You have such a great sense of "play" and you have super priorities...You are delightfully irreverant and don't take life too seriously. (Your photos are awesome too)

  3. Thank you for your kind words, Barbara! I am pretty sure that I'M the lucky one - I can leave those boys with their aunts and uncles for 4 days and be more or less sure that they will behave well and not freak out.

    Aww, now I'm missing them!

    I had to search my book review blog, Pink Me, before I realized that I've never reviewed either Fame and Glory in Freedom, Georgia or How to Steal a Dog, both of which I really enjoyed! Thank you for your terrific books - I recommend them all the time!
