Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Unfug the READ poster - go, Iowa!

Stopped at the needlepoint store today for some crewel yarn and spotted this beauty hanging on their wall. I was struck by how superior it is to ALA's products: graphically, textually, subtextually, grammatically, ecumenically...

(I was also struck by the disdain with which the preppy needlepoint ladies treated me, with my pink hair and ratty thrift-store coat, and I seriously considered pulling up my sleeve and pointing at the wall: "Look! tattoos! Just like that guy!" They'd probably pass a stone if a guy who looked like that showed up at Needles 'n' Threads.)

Anyway - in this poster, the challenging gaze of the tattooed man grabs your attention, and then you are rewarded with the unexpected text, "He's really into needlepoint." Look a little more closely and you see the hipster chick who needs to know how to rebuild a carb and the kindergartner who needs more bandwidth: this is how to get someone's attention and then not squander it.

Further, may I add, this model is well-groomed (COLIN), dressed appropriately, and not afraid to show a little skin (I'm talking to you, Stiles).

A giant PDF of this poster (and others, also good) is available from the State Library of Iowa.

As Esri Rose just commented: "every one of these [ALA] posters shouts, 'Readers are sad, shy people who can't dress themselves.'" THIS poster insinuates, "Readers are interesting people - and interesting is sexy."


  1. I love this poster. Not only is the dude hot, but as a tattooed/pierced guy who loves to crochet, I appreciate the sentiment.

  2. This poster also makes a point by connecting the models to unexpected interests. The fug ALA posters go for the easiest/lamest associations. Of course Orlando Bloom is holding The Lord of the Rings! And Keira Knightley MUST have Pride and Prejudice. BOH-RING.

    - Chicklet.

  3. As a tattooed/pinkhaired woman who embroiders, I feel ya, M!

    And Chicklet, you're right - wouldn't the ALA posters be so much more interesting if they told us something about the celebs in question? As it is, it makes it seem like they don't read for pleasure at all.

  4. Best Poster Ever.

  5. I like the way you think. Cool post, cool site. Thanks!
    Beth Fehlbaum, author
    Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse
    Chapter One is online!
