Thursday, February 28, 2008

You call that rock and roll?

Our Aimee sent this lovely image along - it's a Victoria's Secret ad - with the comment "Who cares if your bra fits if you look so f-ed up?" and a quote from Amy Winehouse: you can probably guess which one.

Strangely, all our 3- and 4-year-old children LOOOVE that song. It's a little disconcerting to hear them sing, "Ty ta may me go to wee-hab, I say 'NO, NO, NO!"

Mr. Four is currently hooked on a Brian Setzer Orchestra counting song,
Cause when you were 10 you used to run from men
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)
When you was 15 you was a natural queen
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)
When you were 22 you didnt know what to do
When you was 25 you thought about that jive
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)

When you was 31 you was hot as the sun,
(You kept on sittin on it all the time)
When you were 35 you were glad to be alive
When you were 38 it still wasnt too late
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)

When you were 44 men were still knockin on your door
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)
When you were 49 you changed your mind
When you were 52 you still knew what to do
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)
(Kept on sittin on it all the time)
The "kept on sittin' on it" part is the part that makes me wince a little. Pretty sure I know what "it" is, and I'm not all that comfy with my four-year-old singing about "it".

Almost as bad as when he used to sing "Malo" by Bebe. It's in Spanish, so I'm absolutely sure he never realized it was about a physically abusive relationship. Oh for the days when they would just sing "Booty Fresh".

On that front, I would like to tell everyone within the sound of my voice to GO TO THE 8x10 FRIDAY NIGHT and FLEX YOUR FUNK MUSCLES! All Mighty Senators are ON!

And if that ain't enough? GO TO THE OTTOBAR SATURDAY NIGHT and FLEX YOUR PUNK MUSCLES! Pulaski (formerly Sick) is GO!

1 comment:

  1. A real chip off the old block - you certainly sang your favorites from Hair at that age - mom
