Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bob's rum of love

Bob's rum of love
Originally uploaded by pwilnyc.

Cut up a whole pineapple and jam it into a big jar.

Split a vanilla bean and put it in too.

Also a piece of brown Mexican sugar (piloncillo) to the tune of about 2 Tablespoons.

Pour in as much rum (Wray and Nephew overproof is optimal, Myers dark is second choice, a mix is also good) as will fit.

Stick in the freezer for a couple weeks, or leave it at room temperature for half a day.

Strain through cheesecloth into a pitcher, garnish with lime.

Drink in moderation. Seriously. This stuff is so smooth that it will Mess You Up.

UPDATE: This picture has been getting a lot of conversation on Flickr.
  • Q: "Doesn't the glass break?" A: No, the mixture doesn't freeze so there's no expansion.
  • Q: "Is the pineapple edible?" A: Bob says the pineapple is wonderful when you start with a nice ripe fruit - he served it at the Church Council of Greater Seattle and apparently they were enraptured by the pineapple. When we did it the other day the pineapple was a little mushy, but Bob says it wasn't much of a pineapple to begin with.
In addition, Bob would like to disclose the fact that this recipe is adapted from one in the Coyote Cafe cookbook. He had one of the fanciest meals of his life there, in Santa Fe, accompanied by this drink, which they called a Brazilian Daiquiri.

I'm reading (listening to) Heat, the book by Bill Buford about his time in the kitchen at Mario Batali's Babbo. Maybe people shouldn't write about restaurants. As in Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain's funnier book about Les Halles, the kitchen staff come off as immature, griping, coked-up children who have somehow gotten ahold of sharp knives.

I loved Bill Buford as editor of Granta, but this book is half a biography of Batali, who kind of doesn't merit biographizing, and half an account of Buford's tutelage in food preparation. There's nothing really new here. And I tell you, it doesn't help that the guy who's reading it sounds like he should be narrating a documentary about Renaissance art. Every time he has to read a cussword it's like it's in verbal quotes.


  1. This reminds me of a recipe my girlfired from college taught me. She was ffrom England and I can't think of what they call it, but I think it was Christmas Punch.

    The idea is to put in a layer of fruit then add some sugar and cover it with rum. A week or two later you add another layer of fruit, sugar it, and then add rum. Keep going until the jar is full.

    By starting in the summer when the fruit ripens the idea is the punch will be ready by Christmas. It was horribly sweet due to all the sugar. If I made it again, I would leave out most (probably all) of the sugar.

    Julian Franklin

  2. Does sound disgusting I must admit. Sort of like those Everclear punches in garbage cans from college. Or like my great-grandma's fruitcake. Seriously, her cake was STRONG. and AGED. and FRUITY.
